Wednesday, January 1, 2014

One Year to Go!!

Welcome to 2014, it's gonna be a big year.

In the bigger world I see more strife, more wars, environmental degradation, animal extinctions, wealth disparity etc as the political rhetoric gets more ultra-conservative, nationalistic and jingoistic. Whilst the general public dumbs down watching endless trivia on Netflix the Corporations do what they please. But some people care, although not enough yet to be able to sway the political climate away from its path of destruction.

I'm an optimistic person, so instead of becoming mired in the negativity of big picture politics I just do my thing. I reduce consumption, reuse and recycle, avoid chemicals and try to be as environmentally responsible as a girl with a big brute of a 4WD can be!! I give to charity, get involved in local community issues, and occasionally sign petitions. I try to lead by example, figuring dumb ass rednecks aren't uncaring, just ignorant. Words don't sway them, but action does.

In 12 months I retire. I have a whole lot of plans for my retirement, including travel and becoming more involved in my photography and writing, but until then, I've got to get through 2014. Yep, it's gonna be a big year.

Top of the list is to re-roof my house. It's an asbestos roof and not only is it leaking in a couple of places, there is no roof space to install insulation and I can't add solar panels or resite my aerial as no-one will drill holes in it. Removal of asbestos will only get more expensive so it's time to bite the bullet on this and get myself a tin roof, an insulated roof cavity, and some decent lighting. Hopefully, this is happening in February.

Also on the list is finishing the back garden landscaping. That's rendering the second retaining wall and steps, installing a pond and waterfall, and building a pizza oven. Well, maybe just the concrete base for the pizza oven, we'll see how time and finances stretch.

I need to mouse proof the house. All the old doors have huge gaps, meaning the pesky little smelly things can come and go as they please. Replacing them with new sealed doors and frames will make it just that little bit harder for them to use my place as a free hotel.

Then there's a long list of little jobs, like painting, shelving, replacing the broken dishwasher, creating a secure storage space in the garage for when I go travelling, sorting out the reticulation in the garden....

I sure have my work cut out for me. But I'm looking forward to the challenge and hope that this time next year it's all done and I'm ready to take off.

What are your plans for 2014?

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