Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dune training

The next instalment in the program to get my body into some sort of shape began today. Sally and Sheridan have left to go walking in South Australia so it's just me and Hazel from now on. Sheridan gave me the all clear that he thought I was fit enough, but I'm nowhere near as confident. Afterall, most of our walking has been on undulating tracks with little hill climbing. And when we climbed up from the river edge to the lookout on Tuesday I really felt it.

Knowing it's time to step up the pace I'd decided to add a third day to the regimen, which is Thursdays. And Thursdays will be all about climbing. And what can I climb in this height challenged town/state I live in? Why sand dunes of course.

A half hour walk from home are a bunch of sanddunes. They're pretty busy on the weekends with 4WD buggies, bikes and quads but nice and quiet mid week. Find a steep dune and walk up it, then walk down it, then do it again, and again, and again. And again!! Not sure Hazel knew what the hell was going on.

Buggered!! Explore a few more dunes, sit on a ridge and enjoy the view. Slide down a few more dunes then walk home. I needed that like a hole in the head!

Definitely not fit enough yet. Let's see how many times I can do that dune next week, double it to 10? And I'll take the camera next time, sorry, no piccies.


  1. hey Naomi, don't kill, hurt yourself before we head off to Fiji.
    I sure admire your commitment. I struggle to get to the gym twice a week, but always manage a glass or three of wine every night.



  2. Ha Ha, Fiji's the fly in the ointment. 10 days of luxury living could be disastrous. want to join me walking up and down the boat stairs every day?
