Friday, February 13, 2009

Back in Bangers

This time the weather is quite pleasant in Bangkok, it's actually bearable. I've been running around buying gifts for people and getting some more massages. For some crazy reason I think it's OK to go through absolute physical torture for an hour (I couldn't bear a 2 hour session after my Cambodian experience) in order to feel better later. In fact I'm going back tomorrow for another session. I believe there is such a thing as pain free massages, but it's a rare occurrence for me. I knew I should have kept up the yoga.....

My next adventure is an attempt to travel overland to Singapore, but not by the usual route along the west coast of Malaysia. I'm going to go by train through southern Thailand, the bit that isn't too safe to be in, cross the border by foot then take another train on the "jungle line" through the mountains and along the eastern side to Gemas. There I might detour back up to Malacca, or else head on to Singapore for a couple of days of feasting. Singapore chilli crab is definitely on the list of must eats!

Off partying tonight, might even put on a pair of heels!!

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